The Internet is such a wonderful source of information, that I no longer feel the need to subscribe to any magazines. In fact, many publications make the same content available on their websites, rendering paper copies largely unnecessary.
That said, I know many people prefer to kick back with their favorite glossy rather than stare at a computer screen. Fair enough! As long as you keep current with your incoming subscriptions, you can keep magazine clutter under control. Commit to reading each one the month it arrives. When the new one appears in your mailbox, out goes the old!
If you have a backlog of unread issues, limit the number of publications to which you subscribe. Once you’ve fallen behind two months or so, you’re unlikely to catch up—and the magazine piles will grow and grow. Remember, it’s only possible to read and absorb so much information; anything beyond that only leads to mental clutter. It’s important to keep your mind as clear as your space.
And by all means, do not keep an entire magazine for one interesting article. Tear out the article and file it; or better yet, scan it into your computer. The less paper clutter the better, and the information will be at your fingertips when you need it.
One more thing: if you are going to receive paper subscriptions, please don’t let them pile up in a landfill. Recycle them, or donate them to your local library, physician’s or dentist’s office. And when you’re feeling “greener,” think about giving up the paper copies altogether—you’ll not only save money, but a whole lot of trees!
Schools often love to have old magazines for student projects like collages. Also, I have found that thrift shops, like Salvation Army, are more than happy to take them.
I am also trying to cut down on the number of magazines I keep around the house. I do find that a lot of magazine content is available online, however, I recently read this article regarding the environmental impact of the Internet and now am not quite sure what to do.
As a high school teacher, I appreciate getting “hand-me-down” magazines. They are an excellent classroom resource for articles as well as pictures to be cut out and used for some project.
Our library takes old magazines and they give them away. I like to save articles on color, crafts, and gardening. I have a few notebooks with plastic page protectors. Periodically, I toss the articles I haven’t used and then I have room for new articles.
Our library has a penny savers group. In addition to trading coupons, we pass on tips. I’ve found ideas on making things out of jar lids, old socks, string, worn out T shirts, etc in magazines. I save just the article, or a copy and bring it to the group. I once made my son into Yoda for Halloween with worn out second hand tablecloths, some tea, make up and a stick. My other son made himself the energizer bunny with second hand sweat clothes. Especially at this time of year, all kinds of crazy ideas are fair game.
When we travel, I bring back the tiny visitor’s maps. I don’t need the hotel freebies, but I like the little flat maps of the area. We have less and less we collect. A tiny bottle of shampoo lasts a month or so.
I filled a bag with stuff I had but didn’t need- some new boxes of crayons, a pair of child’s scissors, some paper and new pencils. A woman who works at a nearby restaurant mentioned her grandchildren could use some school supplies. Then my friend said she left a $1 tip on a $33 bill at a local restaurant and I told her she should be ashamed of herself.