I feel incredibly lucky to have such a great group of readers and commenters, and know I have some pretty amazing people visiting this blog. However, I (and other readers) only get small glimpses into your stories; I wish I could sit each of you down, buy you a cup of coffee, and learn more about your experiences in minimalist living.
Even better: I’d love to share your stories with everyone here. I’m pretty sure we’d all like to get to know each other better. To that end, I’d like to introduce a new feature here on the blog: Real Life Minimalists.
If you’d like to be a featured minimalist, simply email me something about yourself in approximately 350-750 words. (I’ll post your words exactly as written, so don’t include anything you don’t want on the internet!)
You can remain as anonymous as you’d like; if you don’t want to use your real name, simply make up a handle (sorry, Miss Minimalist is already taken!). If you’d like to include a photo, fantastic—it can be of yourself, or some aspect of your home that showcases your particular minimalist style.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a master minimalist, a minimalist-in-training, or a minimalist newbie—we take all kinds here! :-) No matter where you are on your minimalist journey (even if you’re just starting out), we’d love to hear your story.
And if you have a blog, please include your URL and tell us something about it. That way, we’ll all know where to go if we want to learn more!
I’m so excited about this, and hope you share my enthusiasm! If so, all you have to do is:
1. write up an approx. 350-750 word profile about yourself
2. email it to me at ct09 AT missminimalist.com (remove the spaces and replace the AT with @, of course!)
3. include an optional .JPG photo of yourself or home (500 x 500 pixels maximum size)
If you have any questions, simply ask them here in the comments.
I can’t wait to get to know you better!
Your blog is the best thing I’ve discovered on the internet since Simple Living Network – I’ve spent the whole day reading it instead of doing my lesson planning for next term at university… I’ve just been so inspired by finding a kindred spirit – and in the UK too :)
I think this is a fantastic idea! I’d love to hear other’s stories. I have a feeling, after visiting the simple living network, that I’m really not much of a minimalist. But I do love simple living. Does that count? I just need to take the time and write something up. Count me in!
Julia, thank you for the lovely compliment! SLN is a fantastic site, and I’m thrilled to be mentioned in the same sentence. :-) I’m so happy you’re enjoying the blog!
So what’s up with all this snow? I love how everyone gets so excited about it here–saw four teenagers making a snowman this afternoon, and two older men having a snowball fight. It seems to cause quite a bit of chaos, but everyone’s in great spirits!
Janet, I’d love to have you in the Spotlight! Absolutely, simple living counts. :-)
I’m hoping to explore a range of “minimalism” here, and would like to feature people across the spectrum. Not just those who own a handful of things, but also those who are simply paring down the clutter in their lives to focus on what’s important.
I think many people here would love to read your story. Just shoot me an email when you’re ready!
Great idea! I’m excited to get to know other minimalists and minimalists in the making!
I really enjoy your blog along with SLN. I think I am a “minimalist in training”. I keep decluttering and downsizing my belongings but still have a long way to go. Keep up the good work on the blog!
Thanks, Mia! I hope this inspires some readers to share their stories.
Judy, so glad you enjoy the blog. Decluttering can be a slow process sometimes–but it’s definitely worth the effort!
I would love to see a family attempting to embrace a minimalist lifestyle. I find that urban dwellers tend to be more minimalist than their suburban/country cohorts; less space, less stuff!
Hi Fuji! I agree, I’d love to feature a minimalist family!
Hi there! I want to make sure that I responded to you about using my story on Sept 27…I’m so excited and am pleased you enjoyed the article. I continue to love reading everyone’s stories as well as about your moving adventures. The new place is great…so sunny and bright. One of my favorite dwellings was in a 300 square foot apartment on Nob Hill in San Francisco…I always loved that place, as I’m sure you will love yours, too. Alisa
At the age of sixty, I have noticed that most people spend their life gathering up things, only to have to let them go in their old age. We lived very simply when I was a child, although my parents definitely had the means to acquire more – life just got more complicated with stuff as time went on. Fourteen years ago, we began the great purge when we downsized to a home with half the square footage.
The purge continues to this day. Every item has been questioned, and justified it’s position. Yet? Every year, I discover that I can live with less, and realize just how much excess bothers me, and how much simplicity delights me. Quality is more important than quantity, in everything from friends to jackets. Cleanliness and order are easily attainable with less stuff!
I think it is wonderful to see so many smart young people embracing life rather than stuff. Money will go further, so there will be no need to sell your time to support a lifestyle – just think of the possibilities you are free to accept!
Now that people in my age group are dying, I have noticed that not one of them have told me that they wish they would have acquired more stuff, or worked harder.
At the top of the mountain, may your view be of a life well spent, and roads well traveled.
Hi Miss Minimalist,
I just started this lifestyle in August and have weeded out my house. My family and friends think I am moving and I guess I am in a sense. Over the weekend I grabbed a bottle of Dr. Wood’s Almond soap and felt I should let you know of this product as a minimalist. This is great I can use it in my shower (body and face wash as well as shampoo), replaces dish and laundry detergent, also an all purpose cleanser (floors, etc..) I no longer have to buy several products when this does the job, also it is eco-friendly.