I feel incredibly lucky to have such a great group of readers and commenters, and know I have some pretty amazing people visiting this blog. However, I (and other readers) only get small glimpses into your stories; I wish I could sit each of you down, buy you a cup of coffee, and learn more about your experiences in minimalist living.
Even better: I’d love to share your stories with everyone here. I’m pretty sure we’d all like to get to know each other better. To that end, I’d like to introduce a new feature here on the blog: Real Life Minimalists.
If you’d like to be a featured minimalist, simply email me something about yourself in approximately 350-750 words. (I’ll post your words exactly as written, so don’t include anything you don’t want on the internet!)
You can remain as anonymous as you’d like; if you don’t want to use your real name, simply make up a handle (sorry, Miss Minimalist is already taken!). If you’d like to include a photo, fantastic—it can be of yourself, or some aspect of your home that showcases your particular minimalist style.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a master minimalist, a minimalist-in-training, or a minimalist newbie—we take all kinds here! :-) No matter where you are on your minimalist journey (even if you’re just starting out), we’d love to hear your story.
And if you have a blog, please include your URL and tell us something about it. That way, we’ll all know where to go if we want to learn more!
I’m so excited about this, and hope you share my enthusiasm! If so, all you have to do is:
1. write up an approx. 350-750 word profile about yourself
2. email it to me at ct09 AT missminimalist.com (remove the spaces and replace the AT with @, of course!)
3. include an optional .JPG photo of yourself or home (500 x 500 pixels maximum size)
If you have any questions, simply ask them here in the comments.
I can’t wait to get to know you better!
I have been struggling so long with multiple residences and way too much stuff. A lot is inherited with those accompanying issues. I feel like I had a breakthrough today and that clutter can be so much more than the items around you that need your attention or the to do list you make. It can so be in your head, and that is a fine place to start. Clutter can be the list of things to do that continue to pile up. I did write about this on my blog and I wanted to share this with you as your blog has helped me so much over the last year.
Thank you.
Carla Khouri
I became a minimalist and I am so free now. I feel so good being free of all the crap I used to have to deal with. It is the best thing I ever did. I recommend it for everyone. Get rid of your stuff and be free! I did. Consumerism is a disease!! A mental disorder!!
I have been an ardent fan of minimalist living it’s my pleaser to know about Simple Minimalist Living.I make it a point to read all your mails.and I would love to share my views on minimalist living.thanx.
I’d love to post sometime, because though I love reading about all of these wonderful couples and single people who have gone minimalist, I do wish there were a few family examples out there…specifically, “big” families like ours! :) If I have missed them, please point me in the right direction. Otherwise, I’d love to write an article for your site after we are a little more “settled”… Our family, including my husband and me, our four children, an 18 year old young woman who is following her dreams with us, and a baby due in three weeks all just moved overseas three weeks ago with just our suitcases! We “gave up everything” to follow our passion. Is this a story you’d be interested in? Thank you! :)