I was recently asked by a reporter whether I thought the current popularity of minimalist living was a passing fad, or a bona fide movement.
First of all, I’m thrilled that minimalist living is on the radar of mainstream media. I’ve been a minimalist for a long time, and I remember when my Google searches on the term turned up little more than references to modern architecture, John Cage’s music, and 1960s art. Today, the same search returns a treasure trove of websites, blogs, and discussions – and yes, some actual newspaper articles – on how to live a simpler life.
Years ago, when I told people I was a minimalist, they looked at me like I had two heads. Today, they invite me over to declutter their closets and basements.
My answer: I believe that minimalist living is an important new movement that will transform our lives, our society, and our planet.
As I see it, a movement involves the convergence of three factors: a precipitator, an enabler, and a means of communication. Here’s how they’re contributing to the rise of minimalist living:
Precipitator: the Recession. When the economy was booming, few stopped to question the status quo. Money was flowing, credit was easy, and we all went shopping. But when things turned south, all bets were off: many of us looked around at the stuff we’d bought, and realized what a deep hole we’d dug. We realized that trading our time, energy, and financial stability for a pile of possessions just wasn’t worth it. Plus, many of us had run out of space to put it all! And so began a massive re-evaluation of our consumption habits.
Now, I know a lot of minimalists (myself included) whose lifestyle choice had nothing to do with the recession. However, I do think the economic downturn gave minimalism more widespread appeal; when money is tight and jobs are scarce, living with less is a fantastic alternative to digging deeper into debt. Furthermore, staying in the job market often requires much more mobility these days, and it’s no picnic dragging around a lot of stuff.
Enabler: Technology. At the same time, digital technology has enabled us to turn more and more of our physical stuff into intangible bits and bytes. We no longer need to be saddled with CDs (or DVDs) and their cases, boxes of paperwork, or heavy loads of books. We can scan (or digitally save) our documents, and store scores of books, songs, and movies on our Kindles, iPods, and iPads. Of course, that also means less need for furnishings like bookshelves, file cabinets, and CD racks.
Means of Communication: the Internet. Corporations and big media have long dominated mass communication – and they used it to spread the message that more is better, and material accumulation is the measure of success. Now, with the proliferation of tweets, blogs, and discussion forums, we’re exposed to a lot more messages from “tiny” media – and a lot of these messages are saying “hey, ‘more is better’ didn’t work for me, but ‘less is more’ does!” Minimalism has gained a voice (make that thousands of voices), and we’ve only just begun discovering its joys and singing its praises.
So does the idea of minimalist living have staying power? I think it does. We’ll likely become more mobile as a society, and location-independent as a workforce (google “digital nomads”), and technology will only progress in reducing our dependence on physical stuff.
Will some people return to their old levels of consumption when the recession ends? Sure. But I think enough of us have discovered that we prefer living with less, and will continue to live a pared-down lifestyle by choice. Whatever our reasons for adopting a minimalist lifestyle in the first place, we’ve likely discovered some of its myriad benefits – like less stress, more freedom, and more time to spend with friends and family rather than fussing over stuff. Not to mention, it’s nice to know we’re contributing to a healthier planet; because the less we buy, the cleaner our air, the fuller our forests, and the emptier our landfills.
It’s pretty amazing, actually: if minimalist living is a movement, we have a unique opportunity to change the current paradigm – from one of overconsumption, to one of conservation and sustainability. We can be pioneers of social and economic change simply by consuming less.
I’d love to know your thoughts. Do you think minimalism is a temporary trend, or here to stay? Is it a short-term or long-term lifestyle choice for you? Let me know in the Comments!
Hi Francine! That was a very well-written observation.
I also remember googling “minimalism” and “minimalist lifestyle” over the past few years (that’s how I found you by the way :)), and I’ve noticed an increase in the search results as well.
Minimalism is a long-term lifestyle choice for me. I started paring down my stuff when I was 16, when I studied abroad for a year. Becoming a minimalist has been a gradual process for me though, one that took several years to unfold. It was only a couple of years ago when I realized I was actually creating and living a “minimalist lifestyle.”
Right now I’m working on “emotional/mental/spiritual” minimalism. Letting go of worries, fears and emotional baggage, living in the now, having a lighter heart, mind and spirit.
Oh, and belated happy birthday to my favorite blog!
I sure hope it’s here to say, and will only gain popularity. Our planet really needs more minimalists! I think a lot of people would be happier with the minimalist lifestyle as well.
I really do see a future for it, there is a demand for a shift in the current paradigm. A lot of people are not content – now they just need to discover what simple living and minimalism can offer them! It won’t happen overnight, the whole society has so long been obsessed with consumption, of excess, of more, better, faster.. It’s not easy to give up, even when you want to!
Great post, Francine. I too, like Mia, googled minimalism a year ago, and hardly anything turned up. I managed to find your blog that way, however, and slowly other blogs, websites, and articles began popping up.
I believe myself to be a long term minimalist as well. When I was a child, I never cared for a playroom full of toys, or a a closet full of clothes as a teen. I wanted to have the bare minimum of “stuff” all the time. If I had to pack everything up, I wanted to fit everything in my car. I’m at that point now (if you exclude my bookshelf, which I’m attempting to get rid of, and also my queen size bed, which I want to downsize) I COULD fit everything I own into my car. My goal is to maintain this level of “stuff.” I certainly have no objection to continue paring down my belongings no longer used or needed weekly.
I know quite a few hoarders and it sickens me to visit their homes. We definitely need more minimalists in this world and I hope that the movement is here to stay.
My husband and I recently transferred jobs due to the economy and had to move three states away. I was astonished at all the “stuff” we had accumulated in the three years we were in our house. And for only two people! This is what triggered my new minimalist thinking. It will take a while because it’s so different from how I grew up, but giving away things does make me feel so much freer.
Many ppl are adverse to change, as most of us can attest to. Habits are,….well, their habitual! We just keep doing what we’ve been doing. But I believe when we minimalists live a simple, uncluttered life that is attractive to those around us, they will start to consider their own habits/patterns. And (in a not-bragging way) many will choose to Be Like Us!
Many can’t imagine the lifestyle without a role model.
We get to be those role models.
I’ve always had a strange feeling that I was slightly different from other people, because I didn’t enjoy “a fun night out at the mall” or studying newspaper ads to prepare for Black Friday shopping, or spending money in general just to buy stuff. I’ve always preferred renting over buying my own house, because I dreaded all the complexities of home-ownership, and all the purchases that would have to go with it. I even felt a little bit Un-American for not embracing the consumerist lifestyle like everybody else.
The fact that there is now finally a word that describes my lifestyle gives me a sense of belonging. I am not alone, and I love reading stories of people like you who get the same kind of enjoyment from leading a smaller and simpler life. I’m a proud minimalist, and I hope that the new focus on less is a movement that’s here to stay!
I agree with your premise and how you break down the causes, effects, and benefits. I also believe more and more people waking up to the ‘effects’ our belongings tend to impart. I think, to a certain extent, they weigh us down and prevent the agile mobility we need in our society. We become tied to the maintenance issues that each item holds … almost like an unconscious contract we enter into with each one.
Minimalism and Simpler Living is ‘back’ in my opinion. If you look at the beginning of every civilization or culture you see that early populations possessed only the essentials and they seem to have functioned just fine. I think we’re finding our way back to this important concept that has only been clouded by technology.
As an aside, (sorry) I’ve long held the idea that any advance in technology, while it aid humanity of more effective living, also has a flip side. Perhaps the flip side here is how the ease and comfort we experience from these advances also distances us from the essential. :)
It is a lifestyle that will stay for me. Paring down feels so good and I love my surrounding so much better.
I don’t feel like my house is groaning anymore and I can breathe easier, think easier….
I’m here to stay!
Moving overseas is helping me tremendously to get rid of excess. But raising a large family (and educating them at home) means my minimalist home has a lot more things than most of you (you should see the size of my soup pot!!) But all of you inspire me to continue paring down. What a gift to give to my children – a minimalist mom instead of a packrat mom!!
I think the minimalism “trend” is here to stay, but what I’m afraid of is that the number of people adopting minimalistic ways of life won’t begin to compare to the number of people still wanting more, more, more.
Will we ever see the day when suburbs full of McMansions are not what the majority wants?
Will we ever see the day again when most families live off one income? (And everyone is not too busy to sit down to a healthy meal together?)
Well, whatever way the majority is trending, it’s great that we have the community and technology to spread the concept to as many people as possible!
A beautifully-written post, as ever. I think it’s here to stay, because it makes perfect sense, but I think it will take time before everyone sees the point. I still think there must be a minimalism gene – I remember when we had a book group meeting at the home of a new member – he was a well-off single guy with stacks of money, and his house was a minimalist heaven… My husband and I were deeply envious (we were still cluttered and only on the verge of the minimalist journey at that point) but EVERYONE else in the group was appalled and making snide comments when he was out of the room about it being ‘sterile’, ‘unhomely’ and the like. I just knew that living in a place like that would soothe my spirit, and now I live that way myself.
i hope it is here to stay. i also hope i can bring it more into my life and home
Exactly Francine, I think this explains it all.
I really believe minimalism can bring humanity into balance with the planet, if we start to recognize that freedom comes from having less. This a necessity, a requirement, and also an incentive. Fads aren’t any of those things.
Minimalism can change the world.
What’s great about minimalism to me is that it can mean different things to different people. I think its flexible frame built on the same foundation is what will give it staying power.
I don’t see a life where I will only own 50 things because I homeschool my three kids and we just aren’t in that kind of place in our lives. But I do see a future where my husband and I have minimized the junk in our lives so that we’re more free to travel with our kids and show them more of the world. I’ve also been encouraged that my family and friends seem so fascinated with minimalism and interested in how they can apply it to their lives as well.
Like Kim, an international move is what started me on this road to Simple living. I’m not sure why, but I’ve come to not like the word Minimalism, seems to have too much baggage attached, I’m finding using Simple works better, especially when talking to folks who know nothing of the lifestyle. It works because Simple only has one meaning, whereas minimalist can mean very different things to different people.
Anyway, another well written post and a great answer to your inquiring reporter! Do you know if they’re going to be writing a piece about you?
I think it is a movement. I know it is here to stay in my home and life, and I hope it becomes more wide spread. I think it is part of the solution to the world’s ills. If minimalism also encourages us to lower our carbon footprint then we’ll all win.
I think it is here to stay if for no other reason than that the two worst generations of overconsumers, the Great Depression babies and their kids the Baby Boomers are dying off and/or aging rapidly. The legacy of shop ’til you drop, Black Friday, suite furniture (matchy-matchy cheap living room, dining room, and bedroom sets), and brand new cheap wardrobes twice yearly is a horrid one and its passing shall not be mourned. We’re the ones who enabled the likes of fast food and Wal-Marts, and big gas-guzzling cars.
The economic power to change things is now in the hands of young adults and those with young families, the ones learning to survive gracefully during this lousy economic climate.Minimalism to one extent or another is the key. I think technology will only reinforce it, by enabling “possessing” on a different level, such as digitizing photos and media collections, creating networks to borrow or share tools and services, and providing telecommuting employment. Technology will also raise environmental consciousness, as individuals become part of ecological networks, which in turn become large enough to form a political and economic consensus.
So I am sure it is not a fad, but the very early stages of what will be come the new normal.
I live in a remote area of a developing country where material goods are hard to get and people generally live a simpler life than in developed countries. I’ve noticed that so many of the tourists I encounter (people from developed countries) live an incredibly busy, frantic life, filled with appointments, gadgets, multiple houses and cars, closets full of clothes, multiple leisure interests (to which many cannot devote adequate time) and obligations. The stagnant economy is giving those people a breather. When it recovers, I believe some will prefer to stick with a simpler lifestyle.
Great blog, Francine, thank you.
I don’t think minimalism is just a fad, but sadly, I wouldn’t be surprised if minimalists are still a great minority when things are booming again. For those of the population who don’t have freedom from a standard location-based 40-hour work week, trips and experiences are hard to schedule but shopping will still be an easy instant lift. I think the trick will be to remind people of the joys of quality over quantity when money is flowing and spirits are high.
On another note, I think the housing boom/bust was a major reason that the recession brought on the minimalist movement, because so many people “needed” to fill up the huge homes they’d bought. I wouldn’t be surprised if many people now walk into the rooms they rarely use and wince at the money they spent – or are still spending, in paying off credit cards – in furnishing them.
I’d say the minimalist movement is strong. It’s not just in regards to possessions, but houses too. I follow the tiny house movement and it’s very popular. Here’s a link to the tiny house blog: http://tinyhouseblog.com/. If you Google, tiny house, you’ll find lots of information and tiny house manufacturers.
I think not only is minimalism changing the world but changing our definition of freedom.
Great article, Francine. I certainly hope that minimalism is a movement and not a passing fad. If it is a fad at the very least minimalism will result in discussions and some positive change for most. As we know the media strongly influences society as a whole. If becoming minimalist becomes trendy and “cool” imagine the positive environmental changes alone that could result. A short time ago I was part of the “Sex in the City invest in designer shoes” herd. I woke up one day and realized how much I had actually spent on this trend. The designer shoes are gone and I have never felt more free! I have far to go and I realize that this is a process. One thing I know for sure is that letting go is good for the soul.
A couple of thoughts… I do think minimalism is here to stay, but I can’t really picture it ever overtaking consumerism. I think the younger generation is able to embrace the idea better, which is good for taking the movement forward. I mean, I can’t even get my boss (who is in her 60s) to recycle at work… I literally dig out 10 plastic bottles a week out of her trash and throw into the recycle bin 3 feet away… but that’s another story altogether.
I think this is a pretty obvious connection, but it seems like many minimalists are interested in the environment, philanthropy, saving the world, etc. So as more people get seriously involved in these increasingly popular causes, maybe minimalism will grow that way.
Lastly, I swear there has to be a minimalist “gene”! All my family members, boss, co-workers, and friends think I’m practically an alien for not liking to shop, buy stuff, name brands, etc. You should see the look my grandma gives me when I tell her I don’t want anything for Christmas… And the more I preach about minimalism, the more they look at me strange and continue to wade through their oceans of debt.
I became a minimalist at age 12, when my house burned down – an event that forever changed my perspective regarding “stuff”. It does require maintenance, though. I just went through my closet, and realized to my delight – and my friends horror, that I can fit my entire wardrobe, including shoes, in one large suitcase! We’re all gypsies at heart~
Thank you Francine for such an insightful post! I think that one by one, each person who chooses a minimalist lifestyle can help change our world. I am so glad I can be a part of it.
Can I call it a subculture instead of a lifestyle? Lfestyle makes it seem like we’re all identical. We’re all different in our approaches to minimalism, and lie in general.
Being minimalist isn’t a fad for me. I just discovered today that just by moving two pieces of furniture creates more doggy play space! Now if I could only get rid of it…
And if it wasn’t for the dog’s play space, I’d love a smaller place!
Some coincidental timing at work here. Right before reading your post, I was reading the reviews of a book about retro trailers – small travel trailers from the 50’s – 60’s that have become faddish. One of the reviewers attributed this trend to “the minimalist movement”. Now that’s a statement one would not have seen several years ago.
Thanks for this post, Francine, and I love reading everyone’s responses. I was thinking yesterday, as I unloaded several bags and boxes of stuff at Goodwill, that the minimalist lifestyle, like any other lifestyle choice, requires commitment. I like to think of minimalism as a practice, like I do writing and meditation. So, no, it isn’t a trend or a fad, it’s a way of life, and a beautiful, expansive and loving one at that.
Interesting post.
To pick up on something you mentioned, there’s no doubt that technology as an enabler is a fantastic thing. But because it is so easy, I think that it often leads to digital obesity. (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=digital%20obesity&defid=2486310)
If you don’t have a good system and folder structure in place, digital clutter can start invading your life in much the same way as physical clutter can.
For me minimalism was the off-spring of seeing television programs such as “Hoarders” and “Hoarding:Buried Alive”. These programs opened my eyes to overconsumption and the grip that “things” can have on a person. Although, I was never a hoarder with a psychological dysfunction, I did love to shop and collect. I loved a bargain, whether at a book sale, a thrift store or a great ebay purchase. Getting caught up in bargain shopping became my “fix”. After watching several episodes of the aforesaid programs, I began to do research on decluttering and minimalist living. It all clicked with me and now my house is totally different. I love donating and I have no desire to shop anymore. I am helping my widowed mother do the same to her house. There is such a freedom. And, the savings!! My grown children say that I’ve thrown everything away, but it’s my house and this is the way that I like it. I won’t go back to my former ways either. NEVER! I enjoy reading anything that I can find on the subject of minimalism and am so happy that this forum, the blogs, the books and the pioneers of minimalism have already blazed a trail for me to be inspired by.
Well, the recession helped to opened up a lot of folks minds and realities that ‘less is more’. I believe that is awesome (not the recession itself, but grabbing peoples attention towards a more minimalistic lifestlye). Is it a trend? Always a good question. I like how Francine has approached the subject and discussed it and all the replies thereafter.
My family and I have lived minimally for many years (prior to recession). Sadly I see many friends loosing jobs and houses and burdened with debt and stress. Living a minimal existence for us, and trying to minimize our footprint on the Earth, has many advantages. One big advantage is that the economy can sway from hi to low, and we just ride out the storm in our minimalism with happiness and joy (in our small house with just essentials, surrounded by empty over built pop-top mini-mansions, in our ‘one car family’ small Honda, surrounded by SUVs and multiple cars, etc.)
When my husband was in the Air Force and we moved frequently, it was so freeing every time the moving van pulled away from our home with our possessions. It was a deep breath of fresh air! As boomers with Depression era parents, we never considered minimalism until we saw that the younger generation was living a more minimalist life style even before the recession. Currently, we live in a small home and are dedicated to living a simpler life. However, McMansions and the MORE lifestyle are still extremely popular here in the Washington DC area. Minimalism will definitely become more popular in the future because energy costs will increase dramatically. People here are already shutting off large portions of their homes in the winter and turning the thermostat down low because of huge heating expenses. McMansions here are built so cheaply that EVERYTHING wears out in about ten years. Lifestyles will change dramatically despite the lingering love of excess and the facades of prosperity.
Thank you for a nice article. I think you are correct in that technology has enabled the minimalist movement to be much more visible, and that is a good thing because it shows people there are options. This lifestyle is certainly appealing to a lot of people, myself included. However for some the question of living a minimalist life runs deeply into who they are and how comfortable they are with themselves. It will take the ability to know oneself and realize they don’t need everthing the next door neighbor/friend/work associate/family memeber purchases.
For parents it is hard to deny their children things that their young friends have – I must be a bad parent if I can’t/won’t get my child that item. It becomes an inner struggle, so to win the battle one must know themselves and have strong convictions as to why they choose the minimalist lifestyle and communicate those whys to their child allowing the child the dignity to also choose.
I hope you are correct in observations.
@ Dena..
No..I’m in this for the long haul. Will I totally cease buying things that I need and in some cases want? Absolutely not. However, my focus is no longer on the accquisition of things and my objective is quality over quantity. When I get one thing, something else MUST go.
@Meower Meg..I used to live in the DC area and know exactly where you are coming from.
@Andrea..Yes, Hoarders and other programs have “kept me on my toes”, so to speak.
Hi Francine,
What a beautifully written article. People are searching for more meaning in their lives and possessions do not give true fulfillment. Minimalism provides time and money for what we enjoy most: creativity, relationships, and life experiences. It is peace of mind in every area of your life!
Dawn Michelle
This is excellent to note, Francine, especially during this time of evolutionary and technological change, along with certain societal/cultural expectations shifting from the old to the new (and improved).
I will include a link to this post in my post for tomorrow. Thanks, as always, for yet another enlightening article!
I think that those who embrace minimalism will have a much easier time going forward. I’m not quite so sure that the economy will ever “boom” again the way it has in the past. Things will definitely get better but I don’t think people will be able to return to the the days of over-consumption. This of course will frustrate a lot of people and they will spend time and energy longing for the “good old days”. They won’t even realize the new “good days”. Those of us on the minimalist path can try to reach out by example to as many people as possible right now. Hopefully more and more people will join us and they too can experience the same abundance we minimalists do.
I’m slightly pre-boomer, so am pretty old. Have been increasingly minimalistic for decades. Minimalism will be a fad for some new converts, but I think others will try very hard not to go back to spend/accumulate/maintain.
I’m retired now, but still don’t like to clean much and am grateful there isn’t much to clean. I’m a 70-lister, but 10% if those things really belong to the cat. Never did spend much, but that’s a good thing because I surely don’t have much to spend now.
Though I’ve always loved the idea of minimalism but once I got pregnant it became hardcore and now I try to practice it with everything.
There was always a minimalist style of living, no matter what era. Thanks to internet it is just easier to get in touch with the concept and try it out. Nothing new under the sun.
I have no worries that great number of people will become minimalist in its deeper form.
I feel that some people choose minimalism in order to avoid responsibility for certain area in their life. For that matter, I’m staying maximalist in few specific areas like: number of childer I have, amount of money I make – use – and donate, amount of miles I am able to run, etc :) Furthermore I love having three cars and I love high ceilings giving sense of space, so no freedom for me in restricting myself in those areas.
Where I am minimalist to the extreme though, is amount of worries I give about ability of mankind to severely damage our planet. Heck, we still can’ be sure about weather in 7 days and people think that somebody knows what would happen in 50 years? Sahara was once a rainforest. Now it is a pile of sand. And.. no human action needed for that :) Few years ago, world should freeze over. Now we should be boiled and floded. Still not getting it? :)
I urge people to minimize the amount of thinking that other people and media are doing for them. Read some real science, learn some history and free your head from those silly worries. Now that is a freedom!
I try to read some of your postings at least once a week. You’ve got me moving. I give at least 4 bags to Goodwill or another charity each week. One of your
writers was correct. I’m in my 60’s and have much less than my mother or mother in law did. Never had “good china”, “good glassware”,or fancy silverware. Never needed any of that stuff.
Now I’m keeping only what my kids have shown an interest in or I actually use and love. Read and enjoyed your book.
After graduating from from the Evergreen State College with an official transcript that said “Bob is unusually nervous when having to speak in public,” I started helping the US military aim nuclear weapons at the Soviets from a base in Scotland in 1975 but realized that we were we headed for a manmade Armageddon and that if the rest of the developing world followed the USA’s wasteful big-car, big home, etc., consumerist lifestyle, we would deplete all of the earth’s resources. After leaving the navy as a conscientious objector, being a minimalist (able to get by with a Soviet food ration card, Soviet salary, etc.) enabled me to be for nearly a decade the only foreign pacifist living in the USSR full time, during which time I promoted freedom of speech in Moscow on eight different fronts. Sorry if I sound like I’m bragging, but if enough Americans would start living a minimalist lifestyle, there would be a lot fewer wars and mass shootings in the world.
So I am buying less although I’ve always been frugal, and giving away much more, and have not noticed my friends being any more frugal. We still need to give away some of my husband’s hobby things but that’s up to him. I am going through my DVD’s and going to get rid of some I haven’t watched in years. I just went through my books.
Hi Francine,
I love your post. Its extremely to the point and well writen and not to mention, very convincing.
I live in India, which is a poor country. So inspite of the market being filled with necessary and unnecessary products,majority people here use and over use products to their utmost potential. Like they say, the grass is always greener on the other side, here , people are still aspirational about getting better lifestyles. hence, it would take atleast a century for a nation like india, to finish the whole circle and feel the same about “material possessions”.
Also, Indians being a largely a business community, a major or a very high percentage of population thrives on the “consumerization” in the market for their bread and butter. Ending this, would mean stealing people off their livelihood.
Although i absolutely agree with your school of thought, im wondering how would minimalism work in India.