Last November, I published A Big Thank You to all the bloggers who had reviewed my book, The Joy of Less. They helped put my little tome on minimalist living on the map, and I’m forever grateful for their kindness.
I’m happy to have reason to pen yet another note of thanks, to those who have reviewed it since. I’m continually surprised and delighted at the generous spirit of my fellow bloggers, and am so thankful to be part of a community that thrives on cooperation rather than competition.
So without further ado, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the following people:
1. Tanja from Minimalist Packrat. Anyone who reads Tanja’s fabulous blog is familiar with her fresh, witty writing style. Earlier this year, I offered her a copy of my book, and was so happy when she agreed to share her thoughts on it. Her review–Have You Experienced the Joy of Less?–is detailed and entertaining, and reads like a breath of fresh air. Check out her 30 Day Declutter Bootcamp while you’re there.
2. Fabulously Fru-Girl. I was thrilled to trip across this review by Fru-Girl, “a 20-something college graduate living fabulously and frugally in the City.” These surprise reviews always give me the warm fuzzies, and I love being featured on a frugality website; being a minimalist has certainly saved me a ton of money!
3. Annie Brewer. Annie surprised me with her lovely review back in January. I’ve been riveted to her blog Annienygma lately, as she has just given away her house to a homeless mother. She truly embodies the minimalist ideal: when you live with less, you have more to give.
4. Serena from Everyday Minimalist. Serena and I have been corresponding for (what seems like) ages now. We share a love of travel, and a “girlier” version of minimalism. She reviewed my book over the holidays; I was on a digital sabbatical in Vietnam and Thailand at the time, and it was like receiving a wonderful Christmas present upon my return.
5. Rachel Jonat aka The Minimalist Mom. I profiled Rachel in my Real Life Minimalist series in December, and I was touched to discover that she held a giveaway of my book on her blog. Another lovely surprise! Think it’s impossible to be a minimalist with a young child? Surf on over to her site, and think again.
6. Meg Wolfe aka Minimalist Woman. I just found out this week that, when asked about her favorite books, Meg named The Joy of Less as her favorite non-fiction title (The Top Bloggers’ Favorite Books). Meg was one of the first people to review my book on her blog, and I can’t send her enough ehugs and kisses.
7. Maria from Chocolate Onion. I learned about Maria’s review today, from her comment below! What I love about her post is that she gives concrete details on how she’s using my advice in her own home — with pictures. She even included a list of the furniture she’s recently given away. Woo hoo!
8. Emmy A. from Minimally We. Emmy contacted me by email this week, with an idea to write a “Julie and Julia-esque blog” documenting her path through my book. Oh my goodness, how fun — I love the idea of a case study of the STREAMLINE technique and other tips. Looking forward to following this!
9. Sherry Ott from Briefcase to Backpack. Sherry is my travel heroine (she’s been on the road for 4 years!), so I was delighted when she reviewed my book on her blog. She also invited me to contribute to her Career Break Basic Training; if you’re dreaming of a travel sabbatical, be sure to check out this wonderful resource.
Thank you so much, to these bloggers, all who’ve left reviews on, and everyone who’s tweeted, retweeted, and linked to my posts.
(And if I’ve missed your review, please let me know — I often just stumble upon these by accident.)
You’ve all been instrumental to the success of the book, and spreading the word about this wonderful lifestyle. :)
Your book really is an inspiration Francine, you deserve to be top of Amazon’s list! :O_
Aww, you’re too sweet — thank you!
Here’s mine, from a few weeks ago:
Wow, thank you Maria — love it, and I’ve added it to my list!
I’m currently reading The Joy of Less and I’m really enjoying it. Since I started reading it, I’ve decluttered my entire wardrobe, cleaned out my desk, gone through my kitchen and reorganized the items on my counters to reflect more of an open, airy space, and donated several boxes to Goodwill. I’ve also examined my predilection to shop for emotional reasons (which I wrote about on my blog today, actually). Thank you for being so inspiring!
Oh, now I am really going to need to get your book! I wonder if the library has it…
Begin again, each and every day
You are so welcome, Francine, and I still cannot recommend your book enough! When you made the Amazon Best Books list, it was almost like I made it on the list myself :D
After reading ALL these Wonderful Posts, I feel bad I have not gotten her book already. What a Lady Francine is in my books OVER THE TOP GREAT. Looks like there are MANY who feel the same way.
Hey Francine,
You’re in the tops at Amazon and you’re only moments away from the New York Times bestseller list! Thank you for the kind mention, I was delighted to share a review with my readers (most folks had already read it, and the rest were heading off to buy it!)
I think Cate in the comment a few above spells out the magic of The Joy of Less perfectly. Your book has inspired her to clean out her life and reclaim her space. You’re doing awesome work sharing that energy and inspiration with folks!
I was happy to do it!!
I just got my copy from Amazon today. I can’t wait to start it ~ I love this blog Francine.
It was a pleasure!
Hi Francine – would love to be included in your list…or your next list! Hope you are well!
Sherry! Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, I assumed you were on my last list (just realized your review came about a week later). I’ve added you above. I’ve been following your journey through the Middle East — what a fascinating trip! :)
I think this blog has something for every minimalist. hardcore to wannabe. It is an inspiration.