I don’t have a Real Life Minimalist this week, so I thought I’d use this slot for an administrative announcement. Not quite as exciting, but stay with me—I think this development will really help build our community.
(And if you’ve been thinking about submitting your story for the RLM series, now is a great time. It’s first come, first serve, and no long wait!)
So onto today’s note…
I’ve decided to move away from Feedburner for emailing posts. It hasn’t been supported for years, and truthfully, I’m a little afraid it may disappear one day. I’ve moved all subscribers to a new list over which I have a little more control.
And here’s the exciting part—that means a stronger connection between you and me. This hit home last week when I wrote about my One Coat. I decided not to share brand information in the post (for fear of it sounding like an advertisement) but I invited readers to contact me if they wanted to know more. This resulted in a flurry of email activity all week as we shared and discussed this info offline.
Sometimes I like to share things with you that I don’t necessarily want out on the Internet or archived in Google for eternity. And that’s the beauty of this email list: on occasion I can send you little extras, just for my most dedicated readers—some thoughts, comments, or maybe even photos that I don’t feel comfortable putting online.
It also gives you a direct channel to me. There was some confusion last week as to how to contact me by email (so sorry about that!). This way, members of my list will have an easier way to reach me when needed.
Anyway, if you’d like my posts delivered to your inbox and some occasional (more personal and/or thought-provoking) extras, I invite you to join my email list:
(Rest assured that if you change your mind, you can unsubscribe at anytime. And for those currently receiving posts by email, there’s no need to sign up again.)
I just adore my community of readers—you’re my supporters, my kindred spirits, my friends—and I look forward to having a new way to connect with you!
I love reading your blogs, and enjoy thinking about the ideas and thoughts you have. Many of them have led to significant changes in my life. Thank you.
Thanks for the update! The weekly RLM is a must read for me and I look for it every Monday.
In response to your post, I for one don’t subscribe to email lists, for various reasons.
Instead, I used RSS feeds exclusively. So, I do hope you’ll still be maintaining the RSS feed on your site (www.missminimalist.com/feed)?
Yes, the feed will remain!
Would love to hear some tips for travelers & packing. What is the best travel gear for a minimalist?
Hi Miss Minimalist, I am really enjoying hearing from you again too. I would love to hear updates from RLMs who have posted in the past. I am getting to the stage where, thanks to your previous posts, your book and a little help from Marie Kondo in pushing me to get rid of the last few things I was guiltily hanging on to, I am nearly at ‘enough’ and wondering what is going to happen next? Minimalism is not an end in itself, though it can seem that way sometimes. Have any of your readers got to the next stage of living that clutter-free life that we all aspire to? Did they start filling their lives with new experiences or are they just enjoying the space? I would love in particular to hear from those who are still living a normal life with a job and kids (much as I admire those who are sailing around the world!). Thanks again for creating this space for us to share our experiences.
I been reading your blog for more than three years now and I’m really enjoy your posts of RLM, I hope you continue posting them ( please).
Today I saw on Amazon that you have a new book coming out next April, I can wait to have it but sadly there’s no kindle version, I have three of your previous books and really love them. You been helping me out on my journey to minimalism so much I’m not there yet but I’m on my way thanks to you. So thank you very much.
I will probably never be an extreme minimalist. I have lots of house plants and 2 cats. I have gotten rid of a lot of stuff. There are more craft supplies I can get rid of. We live smaller and lighter than any of our friends. Many people bought larger homes when they retired. We have been taking a cruise every year and then there are weddings and Bar Mitzvahs in different parts of the country.