Today, the new edition of The Joy of Less is being released into the world!
I originally wrote this book because so many of you asked me for a how-to guide on decluttering and minimalist living. I thought it’d be great if a few hundred people read it; never did I dream that you would tell your friends about it, and they would tell theirs, and it would grow to touch the lives of so many people.
And thanks to you—and all your pre-orders—The Joy of Less is now available in bookstores worldwide! Thanks to you, I got to experience a moment I’ll treasure forever: I took my daughter to our beloved Powell’s Books, where she spotted The Joy of Less on the New Arrivals shelf and shouted excitedly, “There’s mommy’s book! There’s mommy’s book!”
I’m still tearing up with happiness just thinking about it.
Anyway, wow…this is such a special day, I don’t even know what to write. So I will share with you the quote I used in the opening of this new edition:
Let go
like a child blows a dandelion.
In one breath,
an exquisite lightness
and immeasurable joy.
I chose the dandelion theme for three reasons:
First, it’s my daughter’s favorite flower. Our walk home from school these days—which should take about 15 minutes—is usually closer to an hour, as she has to pick and blow every dandelion we encounter along the way.
Second, I think it’s the perfect analogy for letting go—of our possessions, our expectations, our burdens, etc. I see the joy in my daughter’s face as she scatters those seeds to the wind, and it’s just how I feel when I’ve released stuff, or emotions, or commitments that have been weighing on me.
And third, I hope the message of minimalism spreads like those dandelion seeds on the cover—carrying a promise of freedom, lightness, and joy far and wide.
I believe we all have a “cosmic task,” or purpose in life, that not only fulfills us personally but furthers harmony in the world. Spreading the joy of less is mine—and perhaps it’s yours, too. If so, I’d love if you’d join me in this effort:
- Give or lend a copy of The Joy of Less to someone who could use it (or simply tell them about it).
- Write a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or your favorite bookseller’s website. The more people hear that decluttering worked for others, the more likely they’ll be to give it a try!
- Spread the word on your social networks. I’ve put together a page with inspirational quotes and images you can share on Twitter and Pinterest with just a click.
A few of my wonderful friends in the blogging world are spreading the word too, by giving away copies of the new edition! Stop by their sites for a chance to win:
- Rachel Jonat of
- David Friedlander of
- Kate Saffle of
- Courtney Carver of (starts Wed)
I think of this as our book, so let’s celebrate together as it makes its way through the world! Tweet or Instagram photos of it in your house or hometown or local bookstore (with hashtag #joyofless)—or send me a pic and I’ll share it here. I’m really curious to see where it turns up. And I’d love to see the international editions, too!
Again, I’m so grateful for all your support—both leading up to this moment and going forward. I’m keeping the printables offer open for a few more days—so if you buy the book this week, be sure to fill out the form to get your special thank-you! Hugs, kisses, and lots of love to you for sharing this day with me! ♥
I am having my copy delivered to my sister’s place so she can see it (and I hope read it) too.
Congratulations on your book release! I hope to buy a copy of it in the future for my book shelf at home since I gave my physical copy to my library when I was done with it! They still have it in their collection, btw, which I think is awesome! ^^ But ever since I bought the digital version of your book, after a while, I started wanting to have physical copies of books again, so I will be purchasing your book again in the future!
Congratulations once again and I look forward to reading your newest chapter in your book; even though I don’t have children, lol. 8D
How thrilling for you, Francine! Congratulations!
Congratulations, Francine! You must be so chuffed (deservedly so.) I bought the original version when it came out years ago, but I’ve married and had a child since so I’m very much looking forward to your family decluttering tips. I think I’m also going to get a copy for my pack rat mother, since I doubt I’ll be able to part with mine. :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I really struggled with this because my original book is on my kindle and I couldn’t get this for the kindle. I’ve worked really hard to edit my collection of physical books:) But…it will be delivered tomorrow. LOL I can’t wait to see the new content. I love the new cover too (especially now you explained the story behind it)
Congratulations, Francine! :)
Congratulations!! So very excited for you. My copy will be here today, and I eagerly await its arrival! Blessings to you and your family!
What fun! Are you going to do a book reading/signing?
Congrats!!! A joyous accomplishment!
Beautiful post. Congratulations again, Francine! :)
I also have the original in kindle & was hoping this would be available for kindle, but I pre ordered anyway. It’s so cute reading about your daughter when my own daughter is packing her bag for the expected tornado tonight & trying to cram as much as possible in that bag. Sigh, she never was a minimalist like the rest of my family. Well I guess I can blame it on my hubby because he’s not either. ;)
Congratulations! My copy just arrived today! Even though I have the previous Kindle edition, it was no struggle for me at all. Love the cover and color scheme. (P.s. Just had a “dandelion moment” with my 3-year-old grandson yesterday!)
Congratulations! I pre-ordered the book and it was in my mail box when I came home last night. It’s a beautiful book! Even though I have the previous version on my kindle and have been downsizing my physical books, this one is a keeper. It will be my reminder to keep those bookshelves (and everything else) clean! I’ve started reading the first few chapters already, even though I’m in the middle of another book. I can put that one on hold for a few days…
It has been a while since I’ve read the book and frankly, I’ve fallen off the wagon a bit with my decluttering. Life has gotten in the way and I’ve stopped my mad dash to rid the house of junk. Most of it is down in the basement, where the boxes are piling up. This book just might be my kickstart to get back into it. I especially like being reminded of how much of our time our stuff takes up. I never seem to have enough hours to get it all done. And it’s because I’m spending all my time cleaning my stuff and moving my stuff (and my husband and 5 year old daughter’s stuff) back to where it belongs. Instead of cleaning it, I should just get rid of it!
Yay can’t wait to receive my copy. So happy for you!!!
I’m not one to leave replies, but I just had to let you know how excited and happy I am for you! When I had my second child I became overwhelmed with the amount of chaos around me, from both my schedule and my home. I was desperate for something, anything, to help. I came across your blog and after a few posts it changed my life. I then read your book, highlighting almost everything, and from then on my life has never been the same. Thank you for putting yourself out there and sharing with the world how wonderful/fulfilling minimalism can be.
Exactly what JS says! Second child, overwhelm and living happily with very little for years now. Thank you so much for all the inspiration! Received the book on the day it was released and I love it. It’s gorgeous :)
I’m in the UK and have seen your book in Waterstones!
Mine arrives tomorrow.
Yay, Waterstones! Thanks for letting me know. :)
I loved the original paperback version! How is this edition different?
Most significantly, the addition of The Clutter-Free Family chapter–an action plan for multi-member households, with specific advice for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, older children, teens, and reluctant spouses/partners. Think of it as a family-friendly power boost for the STREAMLINE method. :)
Love your long sleeved grey top. Where’s it from ? :)
Hi Rebecca! I bought it from a seamstress on Etsy.