Thank you so much to everyone who entered The Joy of Less Journal: Clear Your Inner Clutter giveaway! It warmed my heart to read all your wonderful comments, and I’m so grateful for your enthusiasm and support.
I used to select three winners–and here they are!
Susan Brewer, who on Oct 25 at 4:50pm wrote:
I have never had a journal and it is something I would like to try. I want to not only clear out my mental clutter, stress, & worry,but my physical clutter as well. I want to regain my sanity that I seem to have lost along with myself over the many years of working, taking care of a disabled husband and trying to do everything myself. I am finally at retirement age and don’t even know who I am or what I want to do the remaining years of my life — I want to discover Me again! I think having a journal to help me put my thoughts to paper would really help to not only get a grasp on what I want to do, like, and also a game plan to get my home in order — which is another stress point. My home has missed me over the years while I have been working, it needs me too!
Sandi Blanchard, who on Oct 25 at 8:54am wrote:
Would love to win one of your new journals. I’l take all the help I can get clearing mental clutter that is causing knee pain. Thanks—
Agilborder, who on Oct 25 at 1:29pm wrote:
Congratulations on the journal release! I would love one of the giveaway ones to help clear out my stresses over changing my whole life, location and leaving old relationships and stuff behind in retirement. I try to de clutter my mind about all this change, but this new journal looks like an organized approach to get past my struggle. Best wishes!
Congratulations to the winners, and thanks again to everyone who participated. I look forward to continuing our conversation about inner clutter (and how to get rid of it) in the coming weeks!
Congratulations, Winners!!!