Every Monday I post Real Life Minimalists, a profile of one of my readers in their own words. If you’d like to participate, click here for details.
This week, I’m pleased to feature Pamela, who tells us about her step by step journey to a more minimalist lifestyle. She writes about frugality on her blog.
Pamela writes:
My journey to minimalism came about through a series of steps. Whenever I moved, I became more of a minimalist.
It all started with my first place after university. A 400 square foot apartment filled with heavy wooden, hand me down furniture. There were only two closets but they were stuffed full of things. Not to mention a ton of kitchen supplies and gadgets.
From there I moved into a furnished townhouse that I shared with a roommate. Phew I could get rid of all that heavy wooden furniture and the pesky kitchen paraphernalia. Unfortunately I didn’t get rid of the boxes and bags of stuff so I had to lug them up a huge flight of stairs to my new place.
From there I went housesitting. And the thing I noticed most about that move was all of those boxes and bags were being hauled back down all those stairs…and I hadn’t even used any of the stuff inside of them in the four years I had lived there!
So after four trips back and forth with my small car stuffed to the gills just to move it all, I started decluttering in earnest. I was so successful in my task that the next housesitting gig I went to, I only had to make one trip with my small car.
By the time the next housesitting job came along, I had even managed to get rid of the small car (Yippee!) So for that move, I packed a couple suitcases and called a cab! (Totally inspired by Miss Minimalist’s London move.)
What I have learned most from my years of slowly increasing minimalism is that: frugality and minimalism go hand in hand. It is incredibly easy to save money when you don’t need or want a lot of stuff. And with increased frugality comes increased freedom. The freedom to follow your dreams. The freedom to stay home and raise your child. The freedom to travel the world.
Whatever your dreams, they are much easier to achieve with frugality and minimalism is a HUGE part of that.
{If you’d like to learn more about minimalist living, please consider reading my book, The Joy of Less, A Minimalist Living Guide, or joining my email list.}
love the contrast in the term “increased minimalism” :-) Well done Pamela to be able to move with just some suitcases. You’re an inspiration to many people, I’m sure of it!
Thank you Saskia! What a wonderful thing to say. I appreciate it!
Another great post of what minimalism means to each of us. I admire Pamela for taking the journey that is working for her. Few could, would, do this but I for one admit there are times it is appealing. Our son is moving into a 200′ finished cottage next month while he embarks on expanding his dream career. Exciting time for him and looking forward to his view of living with less.-Laurel
How exciting to be setting out on a dream career. And how wonderful that you are encouraging him to go in that direction Laurel! (So few parents do.) It’s priceless to have parental encouragement like that.
The frugality that comes with minimalism definitely helps in pursuing dreams.
I like what you said about the freedom to stay home and raise your child. That’s so much better than letting daycare do it. Childhood is such a short critical time, and if minimalism can allow you to to have quantity (not just quality) time with your child, that’s wonderful!
Maybe we could all use some moves from one home to another just to open our eyes to how much stuff we have. I’m super impressed that you got down to just a few suitcases, Pamela! It truly must be freeing!
Thanks Priscilla! I must say it really is very freeing not to have lots of stuff and clutter. I really notice it when I go to friend’s houses. Some have so many things…just the thought of dusting it all makes me weary.
I love your website Priscilla! Such fun! I loved all the free things you found in one day that bring you joy. I’m going to do that.
Thank you so much everyone! It’s so wonderful to be on the same wavelength with other people on the minimalist journey.
It really is a fantastic feeling to ‘lighten the load’ – literally and figuratively. I was carting so many things around that I would make use of very rarely. I honestly can’t think of one thing that I regret decluttering.
So many people let stuff take over their lives. I highly recommend letting go of some of it. It feels like the weight of the world becomes a little bit lighter.
I love the way you have embraced minimalism to the extent that you could move with only two suitcases. That’s amazing! I can very much identify with you regarding the freedom that a minimalist lifestyle can bring. Frugality and a minimalist lifestyle have allowed me to take a pay cut so that I could stay at home to raise my two children. I wouldn’t change that for the world. As I work from home, I’m going to take a sneaky break, have a nice coffee and enjoy heading over to read your blog :-)
That’s wonderful Rachel that you’ve organized your life so you get to spend as much time with your children as possible. Time is the most precious commodity that people have…especially time spent with children. They…and you…will cherish it forever.
BTW I love The Daisy Pages! The Lake District looks amazing…how great to live in such a beautiful place.
Thanks for your kind comments, Pamela :-) It’s great to connect, I’ve been enjoying reading your blog, too x
So right Pamela, I liked this quote about the freedom to earn less by reducing the wants. Its so true. I see myself quit my Job one day to spend maximum of my time with my Kids.
We live with very little compared with most people we know. I do have a lot of different house plants that were free or gifts, and I am usually giving a box of plants away at this time of year because I don’t need many over the winter. If I leave them on the balcony, they’ll freeze. You are right to value time over money. I spent many years at home with my kids. I worked some evenings and weekends when my husband was home.