Every Monday I post Real Life Minimalists, a profile of one of my readers in their own words. If you’d like to participate, click here for details.
Today, I’m happy to introduce you to Jenn, whose minimalist lifestyle helps her maximize time with her little one. Visit her blog to read more of her thoughts and experiences.
Jenn writes:
I’m Jenn, minimalist and mindfulness blogger at Hello Brio.
I’m a single mom to Beans (he’s about one and a half years old). Just about every day I am thankful I’m a minimalist; it allows me to spend just a few minutes every day cleaning up and keeping our lives organized so I can maximize my quality time spent with my son and other loved ones.
During my 6 moves in about 5 years, it was easy for me to pare down on my belongings and push my experience in being a minimalist. At first, I decluttered out of sheer necessity: I was trying to keep my move from California to Philadelphia as inexpensive as possible. After that, I found joy in having less and less personal belongings.
I used to be an avid consumer: buying a ton of discounted fast fashion items and getting at least 2 packages on my doorstep every day. Because I have less stuff now, I’m less tempted to shop. I even recently cancelled my Amazon Prime account.
I also am actively trying to buy items at thrift stores and with environmentally-conscious brands for myself and my son in order to reduce our carbon footprint.
Being a minimalist directly contributes to my happiness. I have relatively low levels of stress, especially for being a parent. I’m able to focus on what matters most: great experiences with great people.
{If you’d like to learn more about minimalist living, please consider reading my book, The Joy of Less, A Minimalist Living Guide, or joining my email list.}
Jean, your son has the cutest name, “Beans”! I can’t believe you went from getting two packages a day to being a minimalist. That’s such a huge leap forward. You must be thrilled with your new lifestyle, and I have no doubt that it allows you to spend more time with your son.
Thank you Priscilla! I am so happy I’ve changed my shopping habits too. Thanks for reading my story!
A single mom ! You guys are heros !
Simplicity in story telling done well. No excess details and well written. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks so much for reading and for your nice comment, Archana!
This is wonderful! I love to see families living the minimalist lifestyle! Looking forward to checking out your blog.
Thanks so much Heather!
And this is what I love most about minimalism…to each their own. We are minimalist and just entering our 2nd year of Amazon prime. We also use a grocery delivery service. Even with the small fees, the ease of buying only want we need (things do not jump into our cart without thinking anymore) allows us to spend far less. The time it saves is priceless! Thanks for sharing your story and bravo to you on being a great Mom to Beans (love that name!) -Laurel
Oops, I don’t think my comment posted as a reply!
Laurel! I miss grocery delivery SO much. I’m thinking about moving back to the city and I was just thinking about how cool it’d be to have grocery delivery again, haha!
I do have to say– since I cancelled Amazon Prime I still get most, if not all, items shipped via Prime. My subscription is *definitely* cancelled, so it’s not a carryover. But you may not need to pay the Prime fees to get Prime shipping!
Jenn –
A delightfully minimalist post. AND, “Beans the Minimalist Baby” is totally hilarious! Thanks for the chuckle.
I used to live in a campervan, so I know how freeing minimalism can be. Thanks for sharing your experience, Jenn!
I became interested in the zero waste movement. I keep 6 of things I know I will need and compost or recycle the rest. My kids have been furnishing their homes with other people’s cast offs for years now.