Publication day is here! Today, Lightly goes on sale everywhere and my heart is full of sparkles and rainbows. :) You can find it at Amazon, Audible, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, Hudson, Indiebound, Target, Walmart, 800-CEO-Read, HMH and more. Many thanks and lots of love to all of you who preordered it—I am deeply grateful for your support.❤️
This book is so special to me: I first started practicing minimalism in 1999, and this beautiful little volume contains all the knowledge, experience, and inspiration I’ve accumulated over twenty years. It’s my very best advice on living a simple and serene life, and I’m thrilled to finally have it out in the world. (If you missed the details and backstory, you can read about it here.)
Lightly is so much more flexible, forgiving, and far-reaching than other decluttering programs. You don’t have to follow any rules, do everything at once, or do anything in order. You don’t have to fold or arrange or organize your stuff in any special way. You don’t have to make a big production about paring down your stuff. And you don’t have to stop with your stuff…Lightly helps you lighten every aspect of your life (your schedule, your stress, your spirit, and more).
If you thought you could never be minimalist, Lightly will change your mind. If you’ve tried and failed, Lightly will show you an easier way. If you’ve already decluttered, but haven’t achieved the serenity you’re seeking, Lightly will lift the drudgery from your days and the weights from your heart. It’ll help you take your first step, or your next step, down the minimalist path.
It’s really amazing how a simple mantra can make your excess naturally fall away—not only in your home, but in every part of your life.
I hope you’ll read it—and if you find it helpful or inspiring, tell a friend, family member, or colleague about it. Minimalism has grown over the years, but is still far from mainstream. I’d love to reach even more people with this book, for I truly believe that when we live lightly, we make a better life not only for ourselves, we become better citizens of the world.
I don’t write for riches, and I don’t write for fame (I am actually quite content without both). I write because it’s my reason for being. And that’s why I’m so very, very grateful to you for supporting my work—you keep a roof over my head and food on my table so I can keep writing. You spread the word so much better than I could ever do (I’m not much of a marketer). And you inspire me, each and every day, with your comments and messages and emails. Lightly is my thank you note, my love letter, and my invitation to you to continue walking this path with me.
Lightly is our book, so let’s celebrate together! I would love if you’d share photos of it “in the wild”—on your coffee table or nightstand, or if you spot it at your local Target or bookstore or anywhere else. Send me a pic, or tag me on Twitter or Instagram, so we can all see where it turns up. Hugs and kisses, and thank you so much for being part of this with me!
Congratulations Francine! My copy of “Lightly” should arrive in the mail later today. I can’t wait to read it!
Yay! Thank you, Karen!
Can’t wait to read it! My copy arriving tomorrow. YAY!
Thanks Linda, can’t wait for you to get it!
Congrats on your new book! Looking forward to reading it today!! Can’t wait! Blessings, Teresa
Thank you so much, Teresa, I hope you enjoy it!
My book arrives today and I can’t wait to read it. Thank you for all of your inspiration.
Thank you very much for your support, Pam!
Congratulations Francine! I just downloaded my copy to my Kindle and can’t wait to curl up tonite to start reading and being inspired…I love your writing!!
Thank you, Carrie! I’m so happy to hear this and hope you love Lightly!
Congratulations! I live in the UK and publication date here is 14 March. I pre-ordered and cannot wait! You were one of the first minimalist bloggers I ever read and you are still the one who makes the most sense. Cannot wait for the new book and your words of wisdom. I hope it sells really well – you deserve it.
Thank you, Frances, I am so grateful for your support over all these years! :)
Congratulations but its not available in the netherlands yet as ebook.
Thanks, Monique! I hope it is available in the Netherlands on the UK/Europe March 14 release date.
I receive my hard cover this week and I cannot wait!!! I hope there are pictures in there because I’m a ‘visual’ glutton (hmm is that such a thing?) . Anyhow I’ve been following you since the beginning of your blog and have purchased everything you’ve published. Your writing, blogs and pics have been life changing. I can’t thank you enough. Hubby and I moved from our 2000 sq ft home into a 300 sq ft rv and love is just absolutely wonderful and simple. Although I still have yet to attain the minimalist ‘filing cabinet’ but your website and pics always provide the motiation that I need to keep decluttering. Thanks again Francine – a fan from 2008 Jenny
Wow, Jenny, thank you for staying with me and supporting my work over the last decade! I really appreciate it and hope you love Lightly. Your rv life sounds wonderful. :)
Oh boy! Mine should be arriving today. Looking forward to reading it!
Thank you, Carolyn, I hope you like it!
I loved “The Joy of Less,” and can’t wait to read this one! My copy should be waiting for me when I get home tonight!! So excited!!!
Thank you so much, Julie, and hope you enjoy it!
Congratulations! I’m reading my ebook and anxiously awaiting the arrival of my hard copy.
Thank you so much, Kim, I really appreciate your support!
‘The Joy of Less’ opened my eyes quite a while ago and taught me to start seeing my stuff for what it really was. Much has been written about minimalism since then (ironically, many of these books end up becoming clutter), but I have the feeling that ‘Lightly’ will go far beyond that. It is not just about getting rid of material possessions, but about finding joy in simplicity, in the ‘just enough’.
I live in Barcelona so my copy will not be delivered until March 13th. I can’t wait to be enLIGHTened once again!! :-). Congratulations and a big THANK YOU Francine!
Mariona, thank you for the sweet words and I hope you’ve received it!
I just finished Lightly and wanted to say thank you. My husband and I are getting close to retirement age and with The Joy of Less we have substantially decreased our belongings. We still have a way to go but are both on board.
We intend to live the Lightly philosophy and find our wings and fly.
Thank you, Karen, it makes me so happy to hear this!
I was just wondering whether Lightly will be available in the Australian Audible store. If so, do you know when? I just looked and found The Joy of Less there, but not Lightly. Looking forward to reading/listening to it! :)
Hi Jane! That’s a good question, I will find out!
Francine, I just wanted to thank you for your beautiful little book……..I live in the UK, so received my copy last week , and I have enjoyed reading it so much .
You have written so expressively , there are so many inspiring and uplifting thoughts and suggestions , and the presentation of the book is beautiful .
I love the concept of ‘Lightly ‘……….a wonderful, graceful, loving and simple way of living and being in the world.
I ‘m about to start ‘ The Joy of Less ‘., which I had to read after enjoying Lightly so much !
and I was delighted to find your blog , which I look forward to exploring .
Thank you so much for all the inspiration 😊
With Best Wishes
Thank you very much for these lovely words, Anne–I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed Lightly, and glad you came to visit my blog!
For me Amazon says This title is not currently available for purchase :(
I just wanted to look into it.
Hello! I have truly enjoyed both “The Joy of Less” and “Lightly”. Your books have inspired me to declutter, organize and think of purchases in a different way. “The Joy of Less” was my first introduction to Minimalism and was such a useful guide, I lent it to a good friend of mine. We then spent the better part of a day decluttering her kitchen, which encouraged her to declutter other rooms in her home. She now owns my original copy and I purchased the hardcover version for myself. I refer back to your books whenever I feel the clutter creeping back in. Your writing is friendly, personable and encouraging – like I am having a cup of tea and chatting with you. Thank you for sharing!
I like the design on the book. Very simple and pleasant. :)
I wanted a shirt so I bought one at a thrift shop near me. I saw a child in a parking lot with no jacket so I offered him the spare sweatshirt I keep in the car. Then I wanted to try an origami project so the Hallmark restocking lady gave me all the cardboard she was going to take away. The project turned out fast and easy and I have twenty people signed up for this year’s free craft class. I got some beads at Goodwill to make dolls. I also have some broken silk flowers and leaves for the doll making project. My friend gave me some plants because she was afraid they would die. I took a bag of plants to the library to give away.
M’essayant au minimalisme depuis près de deux ans, je souhaiterai savoir s’il existe une version du livre en français, j’ai cherché mais n’ai rien trouvé.
Francine, where are you? There’s no more posts or replies from you since 2019. Are you Ok? I hope it means that you wanted to finish writing your blog posts with a book which says it all.
Sunny thoughts,